Registered: 4 years, 10 months ago
Gianluca is a comparative constitutional lawyer of the Middle East. Before joining the Aga Khan University in London, he was teaching constitutional law in Cairo, both at Cairo University and at the American University (2008-2015). He has extensively written on constitutions and sharia developing an approach that looks beyond the conventional hermeneutics of the provisions to consider the overall constitutional design, which in turn mirrors the broader trajectories of the modern legal systems in the region. Gianluca’s current research interests heavily focus on the transformations of the semiotics of law. Taking Egypt as a case study, he engages with two particular moments: the articulation of a new semiotics for law and governance in the second quarter of the 19th century (as emerging from the newly established official gazette, and the early translations on law and governance) and contemporary articulations of different semiotics of law in popular culture (current Ramadan TV series).
Website: https://www.aku.edu/ismc/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?ProfileID=14&Name=Gianluca+Parolin
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