VIII International Conference of the
International Society for Islamic Legal Studies
Islamic Law and Ethics
6th-8th November 2015
Coinciding with the 6th Annual Conference of
the Leiden University Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (LUCIS)
The Netherlands
The LUCIS 6th annual conference will coincide with the VIII conference of the International Society for Islamic Legal Studies (ISILS) on the theme of “Islamic Law and Ethics” from Friday 6 until Sunday 8 November 2015. Leiden, along with Amsterdam, was the venue for ISILS’s first conference in 1994, and ISILS is very pleased to be returning to the city and its university.
Below is the first iteration of the programme for the conference, though it should be noted that it is subject to change between now (8th September 2015) and the conference in November.
Thursday 5th November
Participants arrive in Leiden
Friday 6th November 2015
0900: Opening remarks: ISILS President Professor Ruud Peters (Amsterdam University)/LUCIS Director Professor Petra Sijpestein (Leiden University)
0930: PANEL 1: Ethics, Punishment and the State
Siddiqui, Sohaira Z. M. (Georgetown University, Doha)
A Contemporary Case of Ethics and Law: Codifying the Ḥudūd
Kara, Seyfeddin, (Durham University)
Abolishing God’s law: the case of stoning penalty (rajm)
Short break
Hurvitz, Nimrod (Ben Gurion University of the Negev)
Ethics expanding the law: Regulating passions through practices of al-amr bi-‘l-maʿrūf wa-‘l-nahiy ʿan al-munkar
Quraishi-Landes, Asifa (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
“Legislating Morality” and other Illusions about Islamic Government
1130 Tea/Coffee and Tour of Leiden University Manuscript Collection
1300: Lunch
1430: PANEL 2: Ethics and Obligations
Serrano, Delfina (CSIC, Madrid)
The contribution of Ashʿarism to the development of Maliki discourses on sincere belief and good behavior: Ibn Rushd al-Jadd’s (d. Cordoba 1126 C.E.) doctrine on taklīf
Katz, Marion (New York University)
Legal Obligation and Marital Duty in Eleventh-Century Fiqh
1530 Tea/Coffee
1600: ISILS General Meeting
1700 Close followed by Reception (sponsored by Brill)
1800 Supper
Saturday 7th November 2015
0900: PANEL 3: Ethics and Legal Theory
Müller, Christian (CNRS, Paris)
Defining the sphere of “law” within Uṣūl al-fiqh.
Ayoub, Samy (University of Texas at Austin)
“Neither Desiring it, nor transgressing limits”: Necessity and Ethical Hierarchy in Islamic Law
Koujah, Rami (University of Virginia)
On the Genesis and Development of Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿa
1030 Tea/Coffee
1130 PANEL 4: Ethics and Legal Morality
Bedir, Murtaza (Istanbul University)
What is the Subject-Matter of Sharīʿa? The Meaning of ʿAmal/Fiʿl and Ethics
Hanif, Suhail (Oxford University)
Tricks or Ethics? The Problem of the Ḥīla for a Discourse on Ethics and Islamic Law
Afsaruddin, Asma (University of Indiana)
Ethical Perspectives as a Corrective to Classical Legal Formulations of Jihad
1300 Lunch
1430 Panel 5: Ethics and Legislation
Rispler-Chaim, Vardit (Haifa University)
Islamic bioethical dilemmas today between the Sharīʿa, practice and contemporary legislation: Organ donation as an example
Dahlgren, Susanne (Helsinki University)
The ethics of women’s rights in court: Three judges, three legislative eras in a family court
1530 Tea/Coffee
1630 PANEL 6: Ethics and Judicial Practice
Abdun Nasir, Mohamed (State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Mataram, Indonesia)
Procedure, Logic and Ethics of Islamic Law: Judges’ discretion in deciding legal cases filed in Indonesian religious courts
Mukhtar, Tukur Muhammad (Usman Danfodiyo University, Sokoto)
Ethics and the Operations of the Court System in Sokoto Metropolis, 1808 – 1903
Tolino, Serena (University of Zurich)
Homosexuality as a Challenge to Islamic Ethics: Religious Discourse and Judicial Practice in Egypt.
1800 Close
1900 Conference Dinner
Sunday 8th November 2015
0930 PANEL 7: Ethics and Religious Diversity
Kermeli, Evgenia (Ankara University)
Ethics and Politics in Ottoman Jurisprudence: The `ulema discourse on non-Muslim waqfs
Hayes, Edmund (University of Chicago)
The Ethics of Charity across Sectarian Boundaries: Interpreting Imamic statements on the proper recipients of ṣadaqa
1100 Tea/Coffee and “Orientalist” Tour of the city of Leiden
1230 Lunch
1400 PANEL 8: Ethics and Society
Schneider, Irene (University of Göttingen)
Teaching the Sharia in Palestine: The Qāḍī al-Quḍāt and his ruling on khulʿ in 2012
Ahmed, Najah Nadi (University of Oxford)
Fatwa, Ethics, and Society: A Study Based on Fieldwork at Dār Al-Iftāʾ of Egypt Divorce Cases and Social Structure
1530 Closing Panel: Professor Ruud Peters, ISILS president, and other members of LUCIS and the ISILS Executive Board
Evening of 8th or morning of 9th November
Participants Depart
The conference is free to attend; those wishing to register (so that numbers for refreshments are known in advance) are asked to email
VIII ILS Conference: Islamic Law and Ethics (2015)