Monday, July 13, 2009
9:15 am Conference Introduction
9:30 am – 12:00 pm Panel I Shari’a and Custom: Theory (chair: Knut Vikor, University of Bergen)
1. Jonathan Brockopp (Pennsylvania State University), Sunna, not Custom
2. Ahmed El Shamsy (Harvard University), Codifying Custom into Law: Malik’s Muwatta’ and the Practice (‘amal) of Medina
3. Murteza Bedir (Sakarya University), Custom in the Waqi’at Texts: Solution to a Paradox?
4. Nejmeddine Hentati (Zaytuna University, Tunis), The Role of Custom (‘urf) in the Formation of Maliki Law
1:30 pm Keynote Address, by Martha Mundy (London School of Economics), Degrees of Freedom: The Custom of Government
2:45 – 5:30 pm Panel II Shari’a and Custom: Fiqh (chair: Yossef Rapaport, Queen Mary University of London)
5. Steven Judd (Southern Connecticut State University), Al-Awza’i’s Role in Incorporating Custom into Islamic Law
6. Ersilia Francesca (Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”), Custom and Legal Theory in the Ibadi fiqh
7. Christian Müller (CNRS, Paris), Custom as Social and Juridical Categories in 11th-Century Hanafi Law
8. Alfonso Carmona (University of Murcia), ‘Amal and the Making of Legality in the Maliki Islamic West
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
9:15 – 10:45 am Panel III Shari’a and Custom: Terminology and Concept (chair: Martha Mundy, London School of Economics)
9. Frank Stewart (Hebrew University, Jerusalem), False Friends: Overlapping Terminology in Arab Customary Law and in Islamic Law
10. A. Kevin Reinhart (Dartmouth College), Shari’ah as ‘Urf: Ziya Gökalp’s Reconstruction of shari’ah, ‘adah and ‘urf
11. Abdessamad Belhaj (Catholic University of Pázmány Peter, Hungary), Custom as a Source of Islamic Law in fiqh al-aqalliyat
11:15 am – 1:00 pm Panel IV The Pre-Modern Period (chair: Ron Shaham, Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
12. Delfina Serrano (CSIC, Madrid), Is The Ship Included in the Assessment of the General Average Contribution for Jettisoned Cargo? On the Role of Custom in Twelfth-Century Maliki Maritime Law
13. Eugenia Kermeli (Bilkent University), Conflict and Compromise: The Reaction of Ottoman Muftis and Qadis to Customs of New Converts to Islam, 17th-18th Centuries
14. Marion Katz (New York University), Law, Custom, and Women’s Work in the Law of Nikah
2:30 – 3:30 pm Panel IV The Pre-Modern Period, cont.
15. Rob Gleave (University of Exeter), Shar’ and ‘Urf in Bushahr: The Position of Custom in Shi’i Law
16. Paolo Sartori (Martin-Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg), Established Customs in Shar’i Courts: Qadis and Animal Theft in the Central Asian Steppe
4:00 – 5:00 pm Panel V The Modern Period (chair: Barbara Roberson, University of Warwick)
17. Irene Schneider (University of Göttingen), The Concept of Honour and its Reflection in the Iranian Penal Cod
18. Aharon Layish (Hebrew University, Jerusalem), The Impact of Islamic Law on Tribal Customary Law as Reflected in Arbitrators’ Awards in the Judean Desert
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
9:30 – 11:30 am ISILS Business Meeting (for members only)
2:30 – 3:30 pm Panel V The Modern Period, cont.
19. Abdulmumini A. Oba (University of Ilorin, Nigeria), The Impact of Customs on Islamic Family Law in Northern Nigeria
20. Randi Deguilhem (CNRS/IREMAM, Aix-en-Provence), Islamic Law and Customs in Contemporary France: The Waqfs of the Islamic Relief Society
4:00 – 5:00 pm Panel VII Contextualization and Summing-Up
Comments by Frank Vogel (Harvard Law School) and Ruud Peters (University of Amsterdam) followed by at-large discussion
5:00 pm Conference Conclusion
VI ILS Conference (2009)